Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis pertemuan III

NAMA : Iqbal
NPM : 16209097
KELAS: 4 EA 17

A. Buatlah 10 kalimat question tag ?
Jawab :
Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Contoh :
1. He is a driver, isn’t he?
2. You are not happy, are you?
3. Iqbal isn’t here, is he?
4. Iqbal can speak english, cant he ?
5. You Like Milk, don’t you?
6. I am a doctor, aren’t I?
7. Everything needs attention, doesn’t it?
8. You like egg, don’t you?
9. It isn’t rain now, is it?
10. Don’t touch me, will you?

B. Buatlah 10 kalimat conditional sentences?
Jawab :
Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Pada bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)".
Contoh :
1. If the shop is open, I will buy a bag.
2. If i go to jakarta, I will see the monas.
3. If I’m not busy, I come to your party.
4. If the weather is nice tomorrow, I will go on a picnic.
5. If I taught this class, I would not give tests.
6. If Iqbal were here right now, he would help us.
7. If I find your ring, I will give it back to you
8. If I were you, I would accept this invitation.
9. If I had called sarah, she would have come here.
10. If he said that to me, I would run away.

C. Jelaskan pengertian adjective and adverb dan buat contohnya?
Jawab :
Adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Adverbs dan adjectives memiliki kesamaan. Jika ditinjau dari segi filsafat bahasa, kedua kata ini diawali dengan kata “Ad” yang memungkinkan adanya arti “Add” atau “penambahan”. Jika adjectives menambahkan kejelasan arti pada benda-benda (nouns), maka adverbs menambahkan kejelasan terhadap kata kerja (verbs).

Adjectives adalah kata-kata yang menjelaskan kata benda atau kata ganti. Mereka mungkin datang sebelum kata yang mereka gambarkan (Itu adalah anak anjing lucu.) Atau mereka mungkin mengikuti kata mereka menggambarkan (Itu anjing lucu.).

1. My book is on the table
2. Your skirt is yellow
3. Our teacher expect us to study hard
4. What is his telephone number
5. We bought a lot of ink last week
6. There is plenty of vegetable in the freezer
7. That magazine which you are reading is mine
8. Those women are our friends
9. Several student called on us last Sunday
10. Her mother want to stay for several days

Adverbs adalah kata-kata yang memodifikasi segala sesuatu tetapi kata benda dan kata ganti. Mereka memodifikasi adjektiva, verba, dan adverbia lainnya. Sebuah kata adalah kata keterangan jika menjawab bagaimana, kapan, atau di mana.

Contoh :
1. She reads the book slowly
2. She write quickly
3. Do as I ask you to do
4. I’ll tell you as soon as I know.
5. You did a good job.
6. You may go wherever you like
7. Well answers how.
8. Iqbal doesn’t go to office because he is sick.
9. I do not feel well. You do not look well today.
10. I feel good about my decision to learn Spanish.

D. Jelaskan pengertian so and such dan buatlah contohnya ?
So and Such digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebab akibat, bedanya hanya terletak pada penempatan Part of Speech. Setelah kata such diikuti noun phrase (kata benda), Sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti adjective (kata sifat).

Contoh :
1. It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.
2. The rain was so heavy that I was afraid to go out.
3. That was such an amazing car that amazed everybody.
4. The car was so amazing that everybody felt stunned.
5. He is such a good boy that we always miss him.
6. Iqbal ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
7. Ratna is such a smart girl that she always wins a competition.
8. The rain was so heavy that I was afraid to go out.
9. Iqbal is such a smart boy that he always wins a competition
10. The man was so scared that he worried to watch the movie.

E. Jelaskan pengertian yes and no question dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :

Yes-No Question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes or no. Yes-no question dapat dibuat dengan merubah declarative sentence (statement).

1. Do you fell bored ?
2. Are you from jakarta ?
3. Do you like him ?
4. Does a woman have one ?
5. Can you eat it ?
6. Is she your girlfriend?
7. Can you open and close it ?
8. Do most people have one ?
9. Can you put things in it ?
10. Is it a kitchen utensil ?

F. Jelaskan pengertian A Few and Few dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
A Few berarti several atau beberapa, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai kata di depan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1. I have a few friends in campus.
2. I wish you would stay here a few days.
3. I have a few books
4. I was glad to have a few books.
5. A few bikes are parked in the yard.

Few berarti not many, atau dengan perkataan lain, berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di muka kata benda bentuk jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1. Few friends came to my home.
2. Few people will admit their faults.
3. Has she few shoes?
4. She has few friends except you.
5. Very few people go to Indonesia

G. Jelaskan pengertian little and a little dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
Little berarti not much, tidak banyak atau sedikit jumlahnya, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1. I have little money.
2. Iqbal has little time.
3. I have little time to do it.
4. Iqbal has little food.
5. There is little hope for him to recover.
6. She had little money.

A Little berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1. I needs a little salt
2. She buy a little milk.
3. I am glad I have a little time left.
4. He has a little money with him.
5. Please give me a little bread.
6. He had a little money.

H. Jelaskan pengertian enough dan buatlah contohnya ?
Enough adalah kata sifat bilangan (numeral adjectives) atau kata sifat kuantitatif (Quantitative Adjectives). Dapat berlaku sebagai kata sifat atau kata ganti yang digunakan bersama kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung atau yang tak dapat dihitung.

Contoh :
1. He is storng enough to do the work.
2. She is beautiful enough to be my girlfriend.
3. There is enough bread for breakfast.
4. Iqbal has got enough meat.
5. He ate enough bread.

I. Jelaskan pengertian because and because of dan buatlah contohnya ?

Because adalah conjuction (kata sambung) yang berarti karena. Dalam written dan spoken English, because selalu diikuti oleh Subject + Verb. “Because” juga menghubungkan dua klausa (kalimat) yang memiliki bentuk tense (waktu) yang sejenis.
1. They pass the exam because they study hard.
2. Agung herdana was absent from class because him cold was worse
3. Because the weather was cold, Istayed home.
4. I came here because this is a good place.
5. We decided to stay at home because the weather was bad.
6. He blushed because he knew he had been caught out.
7. I went to sleep because I was slumber.

Because of berarti disebabkan atau dengan alasan yang fungsinya sama dengan ”because.” Berbeda dengan “because” yang diikuti oleh Subjek + Verb, ”because of” selalu diikuti oleh Noun (kata benda).
1. Agung herdana was absent from class because of her cold.
2. I stayed home because of the cold weather.
3. He has a cough because of smoking.
4. I am here because of you.
5. We decided to stay at home because of the weather.
6. Because of the cold weather, i stayed home.
7. Silvia fall in love with him because of his honest.

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris pertemuan ke 2

1.(+) He can speak Arabian
(-) He cannot speak Arabian
(?) Can he speak Arabian ?

2.(+) Iqbal can play a guitar
(-) Iqbal can’t play a guitar
(?) Can iqbal play a guitar ?

3.(+) He can play soccer
(-) He can’t play soccer
(?) Can he play soccer ?

4.(+) Iqbal can go to school
(-) Iqbal can not go to school
(?) Can nita go to school ?

5.(+) She can swim
(-) She can’t swim
(?) Can she swim ?


1.(+) You may go home now.
(-) You may not go home now
(?) May you go home now ?

2.(+) You may go to school late.
(-) You may not go to school late.
(?) May you go to school late ?

3.(+) I may open the door
(-) I may not open the door
(?) May I open the door ?

4.(+) Children may bathe in the deep pool
(-) Children may not bathe in the deep pool
(?) May children bathe in the deep pool ?

5.(+) The dog may sleep on the sofa
(-) The dog may not sleep on the sofa
(?) May the dog sleep on the sofa ?


1.(+) We must smoke indoors
(-) We must not smoke indoors
(?) Must we smoke indoors?

2.(+) Iqbal must go to the office
(-) Iqbal must not go to the office
(?) Must Iqbal go to the office ?

3.(+) He must drive this car
(-) He must drive this car
(?) Must he drive this car ?

4.(+) She must come to campuss
(-) She must not come to campuss
(?) Must she come to campuss ?

5.(+) We must obey their rules
(-) We must not obey their rules.
(?) Must we obey their rules ?

1.(+) She might be sick today
(-) She might not be sick today
(?) Might she be sick today ?

2.(+) He might be on the bus
(-) He might not be on the bus
(?) Might he be on the bus ?

3.(+) Iqbal might rain today
(-) Iqbal might not rain today
(?) Might iqbal rain today ?

4.(+) They might play football
(-) They might not play football
(?) Might they play football ?

5.(+) We might study english
(-) We might not study english
(?) Might we study english ?


1.(+) He should do her homework
(-) He should not do her homework
(?) Should he do her homework ?

2.(+) We should sort out this problem at once
(-) We should not sort out this problem at once
(?) Should we sort out this problem at once ?

3.(+) You should play hard
(-) You shouldn’t play hard
(?) Should you play hard ?

4.(+) She should forgive them
(-) She shouldn’t forgive them
(?) Should she forgive them ?

5.(+) I should study english
(-) I shouldn’t study english
(?) Should I study english?

1.(+) We could play football
(-) We could not play football
(?) Could we play football ?

2.(+) He could speak 3 languages
(-) He couldn’t speak 3 languages
(?) Could he speak 3 languages ?

3.(+) Iqbal could borrow the book
(-) Iqbal could not borrow the book
(?) Could iqbal borrow the book ?

4.(+) Iqbal could speak English
(-) Iqbal could not speak English
(?) Could iqbal speak English ?

5.(+) Iqbal could go to the cinema
(-) Iqbal could not go to the cinema
(?) Could iqbal go to the cinema ?

1.(+) We would study english
(-) We wouldn’t study english
(?) Would we study English ?

2.(+) I would be your friend
(-) I would not be your friend
(?) Would I be your friend ?

3.(+) I would like to eat
(-) I would not like to eat
(?) Would you like to eat ?

4.(+) You would like to come with me
(-) You would not like to come with me
(?) Would you like to come with me ?

5.(+) Iqbal would close the door
(-) Iqbal wouldn’t close the door
(?) Would Iqbal close the door ?

1.(+) Gilang would rather drink coffe or tea
(-) Gilang would rather not drink coffe or tea
(?) Would Gilang rather drink coffee or tea ?

2.(+) He would rather eat fried rice than fried chicken
(-) He would rather not eat fried rice than fried chicken
(?) Would he rather eat fried rice than fried chicken ?

3.(+) Tiara would rather stay home
(-) Tiara would rather not stay home
(?) Would Tiara rather stay home ?

4.(+) She would rather leave than stays in this room
(-) She doesn’t would rather leave than stays in this room
(?) Does she would rather leave than stays in this room ?

5.(+) Reza would rather speak english
(-) Reza would rather not speak English
(?) would Reza rather speak English ?

1.(+) I ought to go there
(-) I ought not to go there
(?) Ought you to go there ?
2.(+) He ought to be here now
(-) He does not ought to be here now
(?) Does he ought to be here now ?

3.(+) Santi ought to go out
(-) Santi does not ought to go out
(?) Does Santi should go out ?

4.(+) They ought to studied hard
(-) They ought not to studied hard
(?) Ought they to studied hard ?

5.(+) Isha ought to wear high quality running shoes
(-) Isha does not ought to wear high quality running shoes
(?) Does Isha ought to wear high quality running shoes ?

1.(+) He had better play volley
(-) He had better not play volley
(?) Had better he play volley ?
2.(+) Silvia had better come
(-) Silvia had better not come
(?) Had silvia better come ?

3.(+) You had better study hard
(-) You had better not study hard
(?) Had better you study hard ?

4.(+) I had better get your book
(-) I had better not get your book
(?) Had better you get your book ?

5.(+) You had better say anything
(-) You had better not say anything
(?) Had you better say anything ?

1.(+) I have to go to office
(-) I don’t have to go to office
(?) Do I have to go to office ?

2.(+) They have to play volley ball
(-) They don’t have to play volley ball
(?) Do they have to play volley ball ?

3.(+) They have to read the book
(-) They do not have to read the book
(?) Do they have to read the book ?

4.(+) I have to work on Monday
(-) I don’t have to work on Monday
(?) Do I have to work on Monday ?

5.(+) You have to listen radio now
(-) You don’t have to listen radio now
(?) Do you have to listen radio now ?

1.(+) I have got to work late
(-) I don’t have got to work late
(?) Do I have got to work late ?

2.(+) Iqbal have got to go now
(-) Iqbal have not got to go now
(?) Have iqbal got to go now ?

3.(+) They have got to play tennis
(-) They have not got to play tennis
(?) Have they got to play tennis ?

4. (+) We have got to go to school tomorrow
(-) We don’t have got to go to school tomorrow
(?) Do we have got to go to school tomorrow ?

5.(+) Sisil have got a house in the country.
(-) Sisil have not got a house in the country.
(?) Have sisil got a house in the country ?

1.(+) Robi prefer milk to tea
(-) Robi doesn’t prefer milk to tea
(?) Does robi prefer milk to tea ?

2.(+) She prefers swimming to dancing
(-) She prefers doesn’t swimming to dancing
(?) Does she prefers swimming to dancing ?

3.(+) We prefer play football to tennis
(-) We don’t prefer football to tennis
(?) Do we prefer football to tennis ?

4.(+) My mother prefers lemon or orange juice
(-) My mother prefers doesn’t lemon or orange juice
(?) Does my mother prefers lemon or orange juice ?

5.(+) They prefer living in a town
(-) They prefer not living in a town
(?) Do prefer they living in a town ?

1.(+) Isha like T.V better than radio.
(-) Isha does not like T.V better than radio.
(?) Does Isha like T.V better than radio ?

2.(+) She likes table tennis better than basketball
(-) She doesn’t like table tennis better than basketball.
(?) Does she like table tennis better than basketball ?

3.(+) I like coffee better than tea
(-) I like coffee don’t better than tea
(?) Do I like coffee better than tea ?

4.(+) Ahmad dhani like singing a song better than playing a guitar
(-) Ahmad dhani does not like singing a song better than playing a guitar
(?) Does Ahmad dhani like singing a song better than playing a guitar ?

5.(+) I like english better than math
(-) I like English don’t better than math
(?) Do I like english better than math ?

Uncountable nouns (disebut juga mass nouns) adalah kebalikan dari countable nouns, yaitu kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contohnya kata benda water. Kata benda tersebut tidak bisa dikatakan a water atau two water, tetapi lebih tepat digunakan bersama dengan kata benda lainnya yang dapat dihitung, misalnya a glass of water atau two glass of water.
Contoh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung: sand, air, rice, sugar, cheese, tea, coffee, advice, assistance, fun, money, music, art, love, etc.
Contoh uncountable nouns dalam kalimat:
• Human needs water for living.
• I want a glass of water.
Countable nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah, contohnya kata benda pen dapat dihitung one, two, atau three pens.
Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung: cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, book, house, etc. Benda-benda yang ada di sekitar kita umumnya adalah benda yang dapat dihitung. Many digunakan untuk countable nouns dan terletak mendahuluinya. Countable nouns yang singular dapat didahului dengan kata this, that, every, each, either, dan neither, sedangkan yang plural biasanya didahului kata these, those, some, any, enough, dan zero article.
Contoh countable nouns dalam kalimat:
• The house belongs to my father.
• My umbrella is yellow.

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Impian 10 th kedepan (Manajemen Strategik)

Nama : Iqbal
NPM : 16209097
Kelas : 4 EA 17
Makul : Manajemen Strategik

Membahas tentang impian, menurut saya impian itu adalah suatu keinginan dalam diri yang memberikan motivasi kepada kita untuk mencapai keinginan tersebut. Keinginan tersebut dapat kita raih sesuai usaha yang kita lakukan guna merealisasikannya. Apapun yang akan terjadi kehidupan besok masih lah merupakan sebuah misteri. Kita dituntut agar waspada dan lebih bijaksana dalam mengelola waktu kita yang ada. Ingat waktu tidak akan bisa diputar kembali. Sekali waktu berjalan maka cukup kali itu saja moment tersebut akan berlangsung. Hasilnya di kemudian hari hanyalah tersisa penyesalan belaka.
Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa semester 7 di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di bekasi. Di dalam kehidupan saya, yang namanya tujuan hidup itu seperti suatu kekuatan yang akan membawa saya terhadap pintu kesuksesan akan sesuatu yang saya impikan atau inginkan. Saya hanya merasa menyayangkan saja jika saya tidak mempunyai tujuan dalam hidup ini, karena apa? Karena jika hidup saya ini tidak ada tujuan, seakan hidup ini hanya untuk mati sia-sia. Anda pernah mendengar kalimat: “Hidup enggan mati pun tak mau”? Kalimat itu benar-benar mampu membuat saya menjadi bertanya-tanya tentang keadaan saya sendiri ketika saya belum mengenal suatu tujuan hidup. Karena dulu saya adalah tipe orang pemalas, yang akhirnya sering kali merasa bosan dengan kehidupan ini. Tapi setelah mendengar kalimat itu, awal dari perjuangan saya akan segera dimualai. Karena begitu penasarannya saya terhadap kalimat itu terhadap keadaan saya pada waktu itu, akhirnya dimulailah ‘intro’ dari awal kisah perjuangan saya. Selain itu kita juga perlu mengingat bahwa keadaan atau nasib kita di masa depan merupakan hasil dari apa yang telah kita lakukan sejak saat ini. Maka dari itu, tujuan hidup adalah hal yang harus kita miliki agar nantinya masa depan kita bisa menjadi lebih baik. Jadi jika ditanyakan tentang tujuan hidup saya biarlah allah yang menentukan nasib saya seiring dengan apa yang saya lakukan kedepan nya.